

Importance of your participation in the 2019Prevailing Wage Survey


The Saipan Chamber of Commercein partnership with the CNMI Office of the Governor, CNMIDepartment of Commerce, and CNMI Department of Labor is now conducting the CNMIPrevailing Wage Study. This 2019 Study is to update the Study conducted in2016.


Under the newly enacted U.S.Public Law 115-218, the CNMI must producean annual prevailing wage survey and all applications for CW-1 (CNMI-OnlyTransitional Worker) visas must pay the prevailing wage for the occupationbeing petitioned. Your participation in this survey will allow for an accuratepicture of wages in the CNMI and assist in growing our economy.


Without a 2019 CNMI prevailing wage for occupations, employersmust use the prevailing wage rate of Guam for all CW-1 petitions. Guamprevailing wages can be found here.


Pleasesubmit all responses directly to the CNMI Department of Commerce by email to cnmi.csd@commerce.gov.mp on or before April 22, 2019. Allefforts are made to ensure the privacy of your data in the process ofcalculating the CNMI’s prevailing wages.



For the 2019 Prevailing Wage Survey form, please clickhere.

Hereyou can find Detailed Instructions for Completing the 2019 CNMIPrevailing Wage Survey.



Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for moreinformation. If you need additional clarification, please email info@cnmiprevailingwage.com



Study results will be used to:


• Help determine prevailing wages for occupations in the CNMI tobe used for obtaining work visas for foreign labor hiring.

l   用于判定北马里亚纳群岛境内工作岗位的普及工资标准,在雇用外籍劳工申请工作签证时使用;

• Assess local work-force training needs and programs, and to beused for business policy decisions by business and local government leaders.

l   评估本地劳工力培训的需求和制定计划,且用于本地商界和本地政府领导制定相关的商业政策和决定;

Thank you for taking part in the Study – your help is importantto our community. Every effort is made to ensure the confidentiality of youranswers. Only persons who have sworn to uphold the confidentiality of the Study– and no one else – can see your answers.
